Technical Specifications for Aithin™Aithin™ is a self-contained web browser-based application working on a Virtual Machine that can run either in an isolated, or public network. The software is built on open source systems so that it is easier to develop, deploy and maintain across multiple platforms. Most of our clients use the secure, hosted version of Aithin™ on an annual license because of its flexibility of deployment. Ask us for the software and hardware requirements if you want to host the system on your own network.
Security Highlights
Key Features in Aithin™
Knowledge Mapping Module
Knowledge Mapping with Interactive ViewsAithin™ is an enterprise platform for conducting a knowledge audit, using a systematic method for mapping knowledge assets for all your key business activities. You can discriminate between different types of knowledge assets, both tacit and explicit. The Interactive Views module gives you a way of flexibly viewing, filtering and analysing your knowledge maps, by the type of knowledge, by major issues identified, by owner, by location and so on.
Knowledge Requests and Potential Knowledge FlowsWithin our knowledge audit methodology, we facilitate an exercise where workgroups browse the knowledge maps belonging to other workgroups, and flag knowledge assets from elsewhere that would be useful to them in their work. This produces new insights into potential knowledge flows. Within the analytics module you can quickly discover knowledge assets that are in high demand, and which workgroups have the highest potential for knowledge sharing.
Flag Knowledge Assets with Issues for AttentionWorkgroups can flag knowledge assets that have issues and need management attention, such as:
KM Diagnostics Module
KM Maturity Survey Module and DashboardThe KM Maturity survey is designed to help you get an appreciation of how well you are doing in KM. We use a capability framework drawn from a review of major KM maturity frameworks and standards, covering six KM functions and four KM enablers. This survey can be taken on its own or as part of a larger KM assessment or full knowledge audit.
KM Culture Diagnostics Module and DashboardThe KM Culture survey gives you a quick sense of the dominant behaviours that will have an impact on knowledge sharing. Use the findings from this survey to inform your KM plans and change communications. This survey can be taken on its own or as part of a larger KM assessment or full knowledge audit.
KM Pain Points Survey Module and DashboardThe KM Pain Points survey gives you fast insight into your main pain points around knowledge and information use: e.g. coordination across workgroups, organisational memory or learning and improvement. This survey picks up common issues and potential quick wins across the organisation. It can help focus your KM plan. This survey can be taken on its own or as part of a larger KM assessment or full knowledge audit.
Information Profile Survey Module and DashboardThe Information Profile survey gives insight on the differences between workgroups on how work is structured, dominant modes of knowledge and information use, habits and preferences on information platform use, and the current knowledge flows between workgroups. The insights from this survey can help shape your KM plan. This survey can be taken on its own or as part of a larger KM assessment or full knowledge audit.
Administration Features
Filter Views by WorkgroupIn Aithin™ you control who sees what; you can partition workgroups so that users will see only the workgroup data that you think is most relevant to them. With filtered views you can roll out KM assessments to different groups at different times. Filtered views also enables you to segment the data and analyse at different levels, e.g. at department or at division level.
Features at a Glance by Product
to a broader Rapid KM Assessment, or a full Knowledge Audit.